

英検準1級英単語 小学生が作った簡単な例文①


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本記事・英検準1級単語例文① No.1~19

次・英検準1級単語例文② No.20~40

  英検準1級単語例文③ No.41~63




(   )内を変えて、自分オリジナルの例文に変えて使ってください





1)I don't want to read biographical books.

2)I am arrogant in the world. 

3)I am clumsy but I don't want to get hurt when I cook. 

4)I have a chronic (runny nose). 

5)I like fictitious movies, for example, (One Piece).



6)I am conversant with games.

7)Video games are indispensable to me.

8)Video games are amicable to me.

9)I want to shop for video games blissfully.



10)I want to alter 10yen to 1000yen.

11)I want a contemporary computer. I don't want an old-fashioned one.

12)I want to unearth gold.

13)I want a massive cake.

14)I want to incidentally make money.



15)(My grand mother) cultivates farms.

16)(My) gracious (aunt) gave me a snack.

17)(My sister) is susceptible to friends.


18)(My sister)  hails our mother in a loud voice. 

19)(My sister) sometimes amplifies the sound of TV.







おてがる 3ヶ月プラン【ABCmouse English】幼児 子供 英語教材
価格:5800円(税込、送料無料) (2022/4/13時点)


親子でいっしょに最短合格 英検5級 アスク出版
価格:1430円(税込、送料無料) (2022/4/13時点)


親子でいっしょに最短合格 英検4級 アスク出版
価格:1540円(税込、送料無料) (2022/4/13時点)